This course teaches a commonly used workflow for creating 2D CAD drawings (Floor plans, Elevations, Sections) using as a data source a point cloud. Ortho-images are created from the point cloud and provide the background imagery which is used in CAD software to create the drawings.
The course contains nearly 6 hours of video tuition. Completed course assignments are assessed by the trainers and personal feedback provided.
On this course Trimble RealWorks is the point cloud procecessing software used and AutoCAD is used as the CAD software. However any CAD software which allows drawing over images can be used.
A temporary copy of Trimble RealWorks is supplied to those taking the course. It is assumed that students to the course will use their own preferred CAD software.
Processing point clouds can be hardware demanding, so consider whether your Windows 10 PC is likely to be capable of handling point clouds if you wish to follow the practical assignments.
Essentially a Windows 10 PC, with 16GB RAM and a graphics card with at least 1GB RAM will be sufficient. Check with us on [email protected] if you wish to check your PC hardware will be suitable for this course.